10 Mood Changing Comics For Dog Owners

Life with dogs can be a fun and hilarious affair. These lovable creatures can give you some really warm memories for your whole life. From their licking and affection to their excited jumping fits when they see you, everything is adorable beyond. Everyone who owns a dog knows that it is as much of a struggle as it is fun. But nevertheless, their company makes everything feel like a ball. To give you an insight into some pretty relatable times with your dog we have compiled together some Mood Changing Comics For Dog Owners that will surely bring a smile to your face.

Mood Changing Comics For Dog Owners

Mood Changing Comics For Dog Owners

I Will Never Be Too Big For Your Lap

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The bigger the dog, the more pampering they need. Your big doggy friend just fails to realize that they are too big to fit into your lap. They hop onto your lap whenever they see you sitting idle and want all your love and hugs for themselves. And being their owner, you might feel a bit annoyed but as soon as they are in your lap, looking at you with their adorable eyes, you just want to give them a big hug.

Your Pooping Companions

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When you get a dog, you get a friend for life. We humans often use this metaphorically, but dogs take this phrase quite literally. They will be with you all their life, even when you are in the most inconvenient of positions like on the toilet. They have a thing for looking at their owners, even if they’re pooping.

Marking Territory With Their Hair

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Taking out a perfectly beautiful evening dress and then expecting it to stay free from dog hair if you have a dog is something that cannot happen. They will make it a point to sit on your clothes and to mark their territory with them. They have a way of showing the world that you are their owner and that they are all over you.

When Your Life Stops Because Of Them

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Once your dog is in your lap, they will never understand that you need to resume your life too. They will stay in your lap till the end of times. Your fuzzy friend will not understand that you have things to do too and will sleep smoothly in your lap, having the time of their life. So you can drop any plans of going to the bathroom, or eating something or getting the door.

The Public Embarrassment

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Try calling your dog by their fuzzy sweet pet name in public and they will never respond. It’s like they have a switch which gets on and they decide to not respond to their name when you call them in public. They are quick to respond to the same name when they are home alone with you but call them out in public and you’d just get a stare.

They Refuse To Leave You Alone

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There will be some days when your dog will be all needy and clingy and will refuse to leave you alone. They will come between you and any activity you plan on doing, be it the dishes, mowing the lawn, getting groceries or writing an email. They will force you to focus just on them.

They Love Inappropriate Spots To Poop

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Urge them and compel them with all the love in your heart to do their thing in the right spot somewhere in the park and they won’t. A nice piece of grass and mud to poop on will never be perfect for them. They will always choose the most inconvenient spot and will end up putting you in a fix because come on, they are dogs! It’s their life.

The Inconvenient Split

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It’s always better to own two dogs rather than one. But then it’s more work too if it’s more fun. This is because both your dogs get into a perfect sync and think of new and innovative ways to put you into difficult positions. The perfect example is taking them out for a walk. They will choose the wrongest time to split and will make you bump into something or someone in the most horrid way.

No Concept Of Personal Space

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Dinner dates if you own dogs are always going to be for three people rather than two- you, your date and your dog. During the dinner, they will keep staring at you and your date while you are eating your food. And after the dinner when it’s time for things to get a bit steamy, your dog will accompany you then too.

The Dying Game

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Your dogs will all come together and reach the conclusion that you have died if you do not come home from work at the usual time. They sit there and make up all kinds of scenarios in their heads and think that you’re never coming back once you leave.

Dogs can be lovable and hilarious creatures. Their quirks and tricks can be annoying sometimes, but they are the most loyal companions you can ever get. Cherish them. Cheers!

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