40 Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food

Some of us eat to live, while most of us live to eat. If you are under the impression that only humans are inclined towards the love for food, then you might be just surprised to know that animals also simply love food. That is why you will find them nibbling and crumbling or something or the other each time you look at them. Be it leaves for herbivores, or some insect for carnivores, animals always like to munch on something or the other.

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As a matter of fact, a lot of animals have this as their basic requirement. If you adopt an animal, you will notice that the adoption experts will request you to ensure that you are feeding the animal at least once every two-three hour. Well, well! If these surprises weren’t enough, read further to have a look at some of the Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food.

Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food

Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food

Monkeys – Lovers of Bananas

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Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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Did you just say bananas? Well, while that is there, this fruit is not their favourite food. They prefer to have grapes, carrots, nuts, and apples instead of bananas. Studies have proven that monkeys are given bananas when they are to maintain high sugar content. In fact, a lot of monkeys like to have honey and flowers as well.

Penguins – The Black and White Squad

Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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You may be surprised to know that these breeds of birds are quite choosy when it comes to eating. Penguins set out in the morning to hunt for their entire families. They get food from oceans or from land – wherever possible. Squids, mullets, cod, opal fish make up for the majority of the diet of penguins. They like to munch on these, as they get in a lot of proteins for this breed of animals.

Fishes – Crave Algae and Sea Grass

Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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The fishes that are usually adopted as pets have a varied diet as they cannot get to eat algae and seagrass. That is why they are given flakes which could be made of worms or beans and vegetables – that are converted into flakes. Mainly, the diet of fishes is highly dependent on the surroundings where they live. If they live in a huge ocean, they can consume algae, sponges and coral flakes.

Cats – Meat, Obviously!

Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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Hands down the answer are MEAT! While cats can eat and drink a lot of other stuff, even veggies, if you would like to give your cat a feast by providing their favourite food, then please give them meat and they will love you forever. While this is for full grown cats, kittens love to have milk. They will have it as many times a day you give them that liquid. In for a surprise? Then give your cat some oats and see how they relish it and eat as well!

Dogs – High on Bones and Meat

Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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If you thought dogs love to eat bones and meat, then you are in for a shock my friend. You will be amazed to know that dogs are actually quite diet conscious and they would prefer to have something that is high on vitamins and proteins. That is why give your dog some carrots and veggies – they may not like it every time, but never the less, they will have it. As a matter of fact, dogs also love to have peanut butter.

All living beings have specific characteristics that they possess and evolve with time to survive on this planet and this differentiation is one of it. In scientific terms, this process is called thermoregulation and to know more about it check out these Difference Between the Cold-blooded and Warm Blooded Animals.


Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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We have all always pictured rabbits having only carrots and we all grew up with this fact that this could be the favourite food of this animal. While they like to nibble on carrots, rabbits would love to have fresh fruits as well. Give a rabbit some grass and fresh fruits and you will see them jump with joy. In fact, rabbits also love to eat basil leaves.

Horses – Nuts and Apples

Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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While they do like to munch on nuts, horses love to eat apples in fruits and carrots in vegetables. They tend to much a lot on these two, as they are quite high on carbs and thus give horses a lot of energy to be active for a longer period of time.

Living in the concrete jungle, you don’t get a chance to peek into the wild and see some beautiful moments of the wildlife enjoying the Mother Nature’s gifts but don’t you feel disheartened as we’ve got you these Inflatable Pictures of Animals Floating on Water.

Pandas – Simple Living with Stems and Hay

Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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Just because pandas are heavy, we might assume that they tend to binge a lot on fatty foods. But, as a matter of fact, pandas are most happy when they get to eat stems, hay, and leaves. In fact, they also splurge on various bamboos types. This is because they are high on nutrition, and thus, pandas get their nutritional values from bamboo consumption.

Ducks – Binging on Worms and Insects

Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food

Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food

While we all have always fed ducks with wholesome grains, not all ducks like to have this. A lot of ducks prefer to binge on small worms, insects, and molluscs. In fact, they can also consume seeds directly. They also like to have corn, wheat, and barley.

Elephants – Giant Animals Eats Shrubs and Leaves

Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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Pictures of Animals with their Favorite Food
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From shrubs and leaves to having faeces of their mothers, the diet of an elephant is quite varied. Baby elephants feed on the poop of their mothers to obtain the required good bacteria. Once they grow into adults, they begin to binge on plants, twigs and wild fruits.

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