African Dwarf Frog Caring Tips and Facts

African dwarf frogs are usually small frogs and require less care, they want the same level of care as goldfish. To keep them alive, we suggest you set up an appropriate tank for your cute, little friends. And, don’t forget to include enough water to keep each frog happy and bouncy.

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African Dwarf Frog caring Tips and Facts

Friends! Are you a new frog keeper? In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about African dwarf frog caring tips and facts. You’ll study how to keep these unique, exotic pets properly. In addition to this, if you’re facing problem in setting up your frog’s habitat, we suggest you read below –

African Dwarf Frog caring Tips and Facts

Some interesting facts:

African Dwarf Frog caring Tips and Facts

African Dwarf Frog caring Tips and Facts

African Dwarf Frog caring Tips and Facts

African Dwarf Frog caring Tips and Facts

African Dwarf Frog caring Tips and Facts

1. African Dwarf frogs (ADFs) are fully-aquatic amphibians. OMG! These frogs spend their complete life underwater and can breathe freely, but they lose their gills when they become adults.

2. These frogs are loosely nocturnal. If given a chance, they would prefer to be fed at night – this is the main reason why they would prefer doing hunting and foraging in the wild forest.

3. Like all other amphibians, ADFs are cold-blooded animals. Their bodies usually take on the temperature of the water around them.

4. One of the most important African dwarf frog caring tips and facts is that they are very delicate and sensitive. One should avoid touching them unnecessarily. Make sure that the environment in which they are kept is free of plastic plants with sharp points, sharp gravel, filter inlets are big enough to draw in a hand or foot and many other things which may hurt them.

5. ADFs mate using a method called amplexus. The male frog mounts the female frog from the top and embraces her by placing his arms around her waist. The female frog then starts swimming taking the male along for a wild ride. And, then she lays her eggs near the surface of the water. Interesting, what you say?

6. African Dwarf frogs cannot spend a lot of time out of the water. If this happens, they will get dehydrated and die within 15-20 minutes of time. As a fully aquatic frog, they will love to spend most of their time in the water.

Having about 60 species of sea snakes, and evolved in the Australian territorial lands, these animals have always been a mystery for those who study animals. It is the most Amazing Facts About Sea Snake Which You Must Know that sea snakes occupy about 80% of the marine life when it comes to marine reptiles.

7. An adult male frog always attracts a female frog by making a quiet buzzing sound. These frogs don’t grow up more than 3 inches and weigh only a few ouches.

8. One must pay serious attention to African dwarf frog caring tips and facts. These frogs can suffer from quite nasty diseases, so always make sure to wash your hands whenever you touch them.

9. Use a tank heater to keep the water between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The ideal temperature to keep these frogs is 77 degrees Fahrenheit. A tank heater that warms the water will go a long way keeping these frogs happy and alive.

Caring tips (necessary for every new frog owner):

African Dwarf Frog caring Tips and Facts

African Dwarf Frog caring Tips and Facts

African Dwarf Frog caring Tips and Facts

African Dwarf Frog caring Tips and Facts

African Dwarf Frog caring Tips and Facts

1. African Dwarf frogs must be able to swim to the surface to breathe air easily. So, you need to make sure that there is enough space between the top layer of the water and the bottom of the aquarium. Decorations should be avoided to prevent them from surfacing for air.

2. It’s highly advised feeding your frogs during the day so that you can see and remove any uneaten food to avoid any serious damage to their health.

3. African frogs require a minimum of one gallon of water per day. Remember, the tank should not be too high in height because the frogs may observe difficulty in breathing to the surface.

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4. As good owners, make sure frogs are kept under the water temperature ranging between 75 – 78 degrees Fahrenheit. For this, you can use an aquarium heater of sufficient size.

5. When learning about African dwarf frog caring tips and facts, don’t forget to pay attention to the element ‘light’. Yes, light is quite important. ADFs are nocturnal animals and are used to 10-12 hour regular periods of light and darkness, so set up your lights on a timer. You can add a normal LED light to the aquarium.

6. African dwarf frogs eat a wide variety of food. As keepers of frogs, it becomes your responsibility to give them a varied and proper diet. Feed your frog in the morning and in the evening, so that they act and look healthy.

7. It’s important to change at least 25% of the water of the aquarium once in a month. Also, keep a check that the filter is running smoothly. Besides this, don’t forget to scrub aquarium furniture to remove algae.

8. When you notice that your frog is not eating well and day-by-day becoming fussy, you might need to use tweezers to feed them directly. You can even squeeze the food almost on their faces so that they can see it and eat it.

9. When you see clusters of eggs and you want to keep them in their own tank – just gather up all the eggs with a turkey baster and gently release them in a newly, fresh tank.

Language and numbers are still fine but imagine the options they have when it comes to the animal kingdom. There are so many animals and birds and within those – the variety of species with undeniably interesting yet Easy to Remember Ring Tail Lemur Monkey Facts for Kids.

Well! African Dwarf frogs are very easy pets to take care of, but still many people buy them from local pet shops without having a clear understanding of how to take care of them. It’s proved from above mentioned African dwarf frog caring tips and facts that these frogs are unique and fully-aquatic amphibians. And, if you don’t care for them properly – they will die for sure.

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