Tag Archives: Animals

Interesting Blue Animals Pictures to Amaze You

Interesting Blue Animals Pictures to Amaze You

Sky blue, ocean blue, blueberries, human eyes, despite seeing blue all around us, blue is actually the least common color in nature. There are only a couple of animals that are considered true blue, like the olive wing butterfly that has blue stripes on their wings, the blue in their wings is actually blue pigment.

10 Animals That Are Love to Play Sports

10 Animals That Are Love to Play Sports

Humans are not only the species that love to play basketball, cycling in the woods, or swimming in the sea. Sports are entertaining enough to attract even the most unlikely of animal fans. In this post, you will get to know the top 10 animals that are love to play sports and have been entertaining us with

10 Common Problems Faced By Albino Animals

Although hard to find, albino animals have been spotted everywhere in the seas to the skies. These unique creatures have a partial or complete loss of pigmentation; hence their pale skin tone can be easily compared to other members of their species. Even though the birth of an albino animal is considered an auspicious event

16 Adorable Animals That Can Melt Your Heart

It is a fact that animals possess the talent to get people on their side. But, some animals can make people fall in love with them at first sight. Whenever you see puppy faces, pot-bellied pigs, or dolphins, it is impossible to stay normal, and instantly you want to cuddle and play with them. Here

40 Cute Smiling Animals To Make Your Day

40 Cute Smiling Animals To Make Your Day

Times have been tough with the global pandemic looming all over us. We have suffered isolation like never before. Even the most stubborn introverts are sick of being cooped up inside their homes. Smiling hasn’t been easy. But now that the first ray of sunshine is visible, we can finally take a relieved breath and


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